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    Adults Ministry

    We believe when people gather together and have fun, they grow into a powerful community. We understand that it is difficult to meet new friends and find people eager to share their interests. At Canada Evangelic Church World Mission, we strive to find new ways to build closer relationships with God and one another. Our small ministry groups come together to deeper study the Bible, learn more about each other, and to put their knowledge into practice. If you like meeting other people together, come to join our adult ministry team.

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    Music Ministry

    Here at Canada Evangelic Church World Mission, we are committed to providing those with music talents & abilities, called to serve God's kingdom, with a place to develop closer relationships with Him and greater love for others. Music Ministry at our church aims to inspire, uplift, and encourage believers by conveying biblical messages, celebrating God's love and grace, and inviting heartfelt participation. It often involves elements such as choirs, bands, orchestras, and solo performances. Through skillful composition, harmonies, and lyrics, Music Ministry seeks the anointing of the Holy Spirit over the entire congregation.
    Being part of our church's Music Ministry team also means serving every Sunday Service!

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    Children's Ministry

    The Children's Ministry at Canada Evangelic Church World Mission, led & organized by Amy Perez, is full of fun and creative activities for children to engage in while truly learning of the Lord & His love for them! 
    The focus is on building up children in the Most Holy Faith and Love. This entails encouraging them to accept Jesus into their hearts, be baptized, and seek the filling of the Holy Spirit. The church also emphasizes the importance of grounding children in the Word of God and extends its mission to reach and support their families on their own spiritual journeys. By nurturing children's faith and engaging their families, Canada Evangelic Church World Mission aims to cultivate a generation of believers who are rooted in their faith, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and equipped to impact the world with the message of salvation.

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    Intercessory Ministry

    Intercessory ministry is a sacred service that goes beyond the act of praying. It is a calling to be vessels of God's love and compassion, extending His grace and mercy to those who need it most. Our intercessors are individuals who have cultivated a deep relationship with God, spending time in prayer, studying the Scriptures, and seeking spiritual discernment. Their hearts overflow with compassion, empathy, and a genuine desire to see lives transformed through the power of prayer. Together, let us make a difference through the gift of intercession and witness the miraculous ways in which God transforms lives when His people humbly come before Him in prayer.

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    Compassion Outreach Ministry

    The primary objective of the Global Charity Outreach Ministry is to respond to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those in underserved regions, particularly in impoverished areas or areas affected by natural disasters, war, or other crises. This ministry seeks to provide relief and sustainable development through various means, such as humanitarian aid, medical assistance, education, clean water projects, and vocational training. This ministry is rooted in the understanding that all people are created in the image of God and are deserving of dignity, justice, and compassion. 
    At Canada Evangelic Church World Mission, Compassion Outreach Ministry is a dedicated effort to extend Christ's love and compassion to individuals and communities worldwide. By addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, this ministry seeks to alleviate suffering, promote sustainable development, and foster a sense of unity and solidarity among all people.

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    Seniors Ministry

    Our Seniors Ministry is a specialized department dedicated to providing spiritual, emotional, and practical support to the elderly members of the congregation. This ministry recognizes the unique needs and challenges faced by older individuals and seeks to enhance their spiritual well-being and overall quality of life.
    The Elderly Ministry organizes various activities and programs tailored specifically for senior members. These may include regular Bible study groups, prayer gatherings, worship services, and fellowship events designed to foster community and address the spiritual needs of the elderly. Additionally, the ministry may arrange home visits, hospital visits, and nursing home visits to provide pastoral care and companionship to those who are unable to attend church activities.

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    Missions Ministry

    The Missions Ministry of Canada Evangelic Church World Mission is dedicated to expanding the reach of the church across the globe. Through evangelism, the aim is to gather more believers from diverse cultures and establish regional branches of the church, first in Canada, and then ultimately around the world. This is accomplished through trips, local outreach, and support for missionaries.
    The Missions Ministry organizes trips to engage church members in evangelistic activities. This ministry is to offer support to brothers and sisters serving in different parts of the world, providing financial assistance, prayer, and encouragement. The ultimate vision is to establish regional branches of the church, creating local communities of believers who can walk in the supernatural power of God, worship, grow, and impact their respective regions with the love and teachings of Christ, as part of Canada Evangelic Church World Mission. The Missions Ministry continually seeks to share the transformative power of the gospel with people from all walks of life and establish a global presence for the church.

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    Ushers Ministry

    At Canada Evangelic Church World Mission is a dedicated group of individuals who have a good testimony, who are filled with the Holy Spirit, and who are full of wisdom. 
    The qualities that great Ushers will have in this ministry:
    ● Love: In 1 Corinthians 13:13, the Apostle Paul says, "of faith, hope and love, that love is the greatest of these things. If you choose to genuinely love the people you serve as an usher, God will bless your actions."● Joy: Take God seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously. Relax and enjoy the moment. Your spirit will be contagious to others. If you are cold, distant, and unsmiling (basically, if you are a grumpy usher), you will discourage those around you.● Peace: You can add peace, calmness, and order to what might otherwise be an overwhelming and hectic experience.● Patience: This is a great quality of a good Usher. Most of us are impatient by nature. Many of the people will have to stand in line to park, stand in line to drop off their children and stand in line to get coffee. Your patience will be wearing thin. You can set a good example by demonstrating your patience towards them.● Kindness: This is the attitude that makes you approachable as an usher. Going the extra mile can make all the difference in the world! Be imaginative. Think of all the ways you could show kindness to someone when they come to worship.● Goodness: The inner quality of kindness is a gift that results from the power of the Holy Spirit working within us. This state of being will naturally extend to your service and bring an intangible but powerful presence to the worship experience.● Faithfulness: Faithfulness as a Christian carries over to your faithfulness as an usher. Showing up, being accountable and doing your ministry well is important to everyone. It matters to God and to all those who call His church "home."● Gentleness: A mature usher never belittles his or her authority. The best usher is someone humble who seeks to put others first no matter how much pressure there may be at any given moment.● Self-control: It is impossible to control a large crowd if we cannot control ourselves. In calm moments, self-control is easy, it is under the pressure of hectic moments and last-minute changes that your grace and self-control will shine through.
    Ushers at Canada Evangelic Church World Mission are committed to fostering an atmosphere of warmth, welcome, and order within our congregation. With hearts devoted to serving God and a passion for hospitality, our ushers play a crucial role in ensuring that every member and visitor feels valued and connected from the moment they step through our doors.

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    Liberation Ministry

    Understanding LiberationLiberation is the process of freeing individuals from demonic influences that oppress or possess them. This ministry reflects Jesus Christ's teachings and practices.
    Importance of the Ministry of Liberation● Jesus’ Priority: Central to His mission.● Delegation to Disciples: Empowered the twelve and the seventy.● Apostolic Practice: Integral to Paul’s ministry.● Early Church Practice: Recognized by early Christians.● Combatting Evil: Addresses ongoing demonic activity.● Kingdom of God: Establishes God's kingdom on earth.● Church Experience: Affirmed through history and experience.
    Knowing Our Enemy– Understanding the devil and his demons is crucial for effective deliverance.
    Prayer and Fasting– Effective deliverance often requires prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21, Mark 9:29). Intimacy with God enhances our spiritual authority and power.
    Using Jesus’ Word– Jesus cast out demons with His word (Matthew 8:16, 8:32). We can use scriptures like 1 John 4:4, 1 John 3:8, and Luke 10:19 in deliverance.
    Holy Spirit's Power– Deliverance is achieved through the Holy Spirit's power, not our strength (Matthew 12:28). We must harness this power through a close relationship with the Holy Spirit.
    Rebuking and Commanding– Jesus rebuked and commanded demons to leave (Matthew 17:18, Mark 1:25). We must do the same with authority and clarity.
    Signs of Deliverance– Physical reactions like vomiting, coughing, sneezing, crying, yawning, or expelling mucus can indicate demons being cast out (Acts 8:67).
    Authority Over the EnemyHow can we minister deliverance? – By believing that we have the authority from God to do it. Let's look at the text below:
    “I have given you power to walk on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome all the force of the enemy, without suffering any harm.” (Luke 10:19)

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    Audio Tech. Ministry

    The Audio Tech. Ministry is dedicated to ensuring that every service and event at Canada Evangelic Church World Mission runs smoothly and effectively. 
    Those called to this ministry hold an important position in managing audio, visual, and technological aspects to create an immersive worship & overall service experience. From sound engineering to multimedia presentations, our goal is to support and enhance the message of God's love and grace through seamless technical execution. This ministry covers a broad range of responsibilities, including:
    ● Audio Engineering: We manage all aspects of sound during services, from balancing the audio levels of speakers and musicians to ensuring the clarity and quality of every word spoken and every note played. Our goal is to create an auditory experience that enhances worship and minimizes distractions.
    ● Visual Media: We operate projectors, screens, and lighting to complement the worship experience. This includes managing song lyrics, sermon slides, and video presentations that are integral to our services. We aim to provide a visually engaging environment that supports the message being delivered.
    The following biblical texts remind us of the important of the talents demonstrated through the Audio Tech. Ministry:
    "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10)